* ATWT's Luke and Noah make list of most essential LGBTQ stories on television | As The World Turns on Soap Central

ATWT's Luke and Noah make list of most essential LGBTQ stories on television

Posted Wednesday, July 05, 2017 6:18:21 AM
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ATWT's Luke and Noah make list of most essential LGBTQ stories on television

The relationship between As the World Turns' Luke and Noah – which featured one of television's first same-sex smooches -- has been named one of the most essential LGBTQ storylines on TV.

Hot on the heels of the news that All My Children's Bianca has been named one of television's most important LGBTQ characters comes news that the relationship between As the World Turns characters Luke and Noah has been named one of the most essential LGBTQ storylines on television.

The steamy romance that featured daytime's first same-sex kiss was voted #10 out of 23 storylines on Mic's list of influential LGBTQ television moments. Other standout moments include the gay bashing on Queer as Folk, Pedro's experience with AIDS on MTV's The Real World: San Francisco, Sophia's backstory on Orange is the New Black, Jack and Ethan's kiss on Dawson's Creek, Will calling Jack a "fag" on Will & Grace, Ellen coming out on Ellen, the Calzona (Callie and Arizona) separation on Grey's Anatomy, and Willow going dark on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Called "Nuke" for short, ATWT's Noah (Jake Silberman) and Luke (Van Hansis) made history on August 17, 2007, when they had the first-ever gay male kiss in daytime. The smooch became an instant pop culture moment, garnering millions of hits on YouTube, but the couple's enduring relationship -- the first fully realized romantic male couple in daytime -- was really what set the storyline apart.

To read more about Nuke and other essential LGBTQ storylines, check out Mic's full story here.

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